Antwerp and France based art gallery established in 2008 by Susy Dries.
Born in 1962 in Antwerp, Belgium
Studied at the Royal academy of fine arts Antwerp from ‘78 to 87’

Who’s behind L’art Perdu? :
‘It’s clear that Susy Dries is the artist and the person who started L’art Perdu
However, she’s also a mother of four and we are all creative minds, each in our own way
We ‘worked’ with our mother for years now and like many other artists the creative process can be disturbed sometimes by the practical side of all things, that’s when we came to the agreement to take that part out of her hands, that she as the artist has room to create

Interested in buying? Visit our website and click the ‘buying or visit’ button to get more information. Contact us for prices, shipping and more. We ship and pack our artwork in our gallery. We use strong materials to get the artwork to you in the best condition possible.

upcycled sculptures are one of my favorite things to make
I have the ability to use forgotten materials that otherwise would land up in the garbage
Making something unique and beautiful to look at from those materials is really satisfying

Our Terriës came to life when I still had my own flower/interior shop
I always made art my whole life and I felt like the interior could use something extra and not everyone has enough space to place a sculptures in the house
That’s when I came with the idea to create sculptures that are light in weight, narrow in size and can go both outside and inside

Our Little pigs came after our Terriërs, with the same idea in mind
But this time I wanted to create something useful as well
A lamp disguised as a sculpture,
We sold out soon and now we offer them both as a working light or as a sculpture that can go outside

3D paintings are the paintings I really like hanging on a wall
Creating shapes, depth and something mysterious that can go in every house of every size
Everyone sees something different in them and you can rotate them as you like
Ofcourse I have a vision on how I would like to see them on a wall
And that’s the fun thing, we all see something different

Pop art is pop art

Portraits are paintings I like to make but they do take lots of effort to create
It’s something that goes natural for me, probably something I’ve picked up during my years at the Academy
During years of making art I realized that I enjoy working with my hands, feeling and smelling materials, manipulating them to create something unique is what I love doing
creative freedom is what I seek